Achieve your marketing objectives by speaking the right language

Lots of companies spend tons of money forcing people to consume their content. There’s a way to flip that on its head.

In this article, we’ll look at the power of how you communicate about your brand and how it can radically improve your marketing objectives.

Here are 3 ways to transform the way you talk to your customer to make your marketing dollars work.

1. Stop talking about yourself all the time.

People love talking about themselves. Most of us don’t really like listening to people talk about themselves all the time. The same is true in the way brands communicate.

A brand has to pay a lot to make someone listen to them talk about themselves. But there is a better way.

This better way begins by understanding your customer, their deepest wants, and their deepest needs. When we know these things we can craft all our language in such a way that we become an indispensable part of our customer’s journey.

When our customer understands how we help them win, they start to actually WANT to listen.

There’s an extensive and proven methodology to help us develop this language and implement it in everything we create and say. We’d love to take you through the process of understanding your customer deeply and communicating with empathy in a way that helps you achieve your objectives.

2. Clearly communicate how your customer can engage with your brand.

Have you ever asked someone, “so what do you do?” and they come back with a long and confusing response? Lots of brands do the same thing.

Once we know our customer’s deepest wants and needs, we can begin communicating clearly. And one of the most important pieces of that clear communication is this :

Use a few bullet points to give the customer a road map for how they get from where they are now to where we want them to go.

This is the “how” of our business. Three or four simple steps to help the customer do business with us.

3. Include a call to action.

Don’t be ambiguous. Don’t be afraid to ask your customer to act.

Sometimes, we leave customers out in the cold (and money on the table) because we didn’t provide a clear call to action.

When we call people to action, we invite them to build a relationship with us.

If we’re actually selling something that helps the customer win the day, there’s never a need to fear calling them to act.

Buy always implementing these three guidelines, we provide clear information to our new and returning customers and actually make our marketing dollars work for us.

The Memoir Agency is helping brands understand their customer to build life-long relationships that increase sales. We’re all about results, and our proven framework provides a clear path to your brand’s success. Let’s work together!


3 ways to get your brand growing


12 year old boys, tampon ads, and a new era of marketing