3 ways to get your brand growing

Marketing is more than stabbing in the dark.

Good marketing begins with developing a clear strategy. That strategy is how we use marketing to get our brand to grow.

Get your marketing on the right track by implementing these 3 things.

1. Help the customer clearly understand why they need you.

Most brands talk about themselves all the time. “My grandfather started this company in 1970.” Or “We’ve grown our employee base to 100.” But the truth is, no one is interested in hearing your brand talk about itself. The problem is most marketing is brand centric.

Marketing wins when it becomes customer centric.

At the Memoir Agency, we use the Storybrand 7 Part Framework. The framework helps you reframe the way you communicate about your company — positioning your customer as the hero and your brand as the guide. It’s a proven methodology that leverages the power of story to get you more customers and more sales.

When you become a trusted guide, your customers clearly understand what problem you help them overcome. You’ll become an indispensable part of their journey.

2. Communicate the same message all the time.

Do you see brands that communicate different messages all the time? Maybe your company does that. That leads to confusion.

Clearly defining your messages and communicating that with clarity and regularity is how you become a trusted leader in a space.

And that’s what you want.

There are two main reasons companies hop from message to message in their marketing and communications.

  1. They have not clearly defined the problem they solve for their customers.

  2. They have not created language to guide how their employees talk about the company.

This is another perk of the Storybrand Framework. The end product is a BrandScript. It’s a short, written document that can be distributed across the organization so that everyone is communicating the right thing and the same thing.

3. Meet the customer where they are.

Stop throwing your money away by placing ads where no one sees them or cares about them. Also, stop overpaying to run ads in places that don’t work.

Think about it. You’re watching traditional TV. The commercials come on. Your phone is next to you on the couch. What do you do? Most likely, you pick up your phone! This is just one example of how companies are spending billions of dollars placing ads in places people aren’t looking.

The beauty of the internet is that we can place the right ads in front of the right audiences at the right times.

On social platforms we can create content for specific demographic audiences, and then make sure those demos see the right ads.

We’ll see your marketing dollars go farther when we develop the right ads and deliver them to the right audiences.

Marketing is actually a game of strategy, like chess. And the players who know the game the best eliminate chance and win the most. Let’s win.

Let’s work together to

  1. Communicate clearly

  2. Communicate consistently

  3. Communicate in the right places

This will take your marketing — and your company — to the next level.


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Achieve your marketing objectives by speaking the right language