How to extend your marketing money

Right now, companies are wondering how they can extend or save money. Whether small businesses or large companies, we all want to ensure our dollars are spent most effectively.

There are two main ways to save money in your marketing budget : One, more effective campaigns. Two, lowering your overhead. Here’s how to do both!

Here are some of the best ways to save money and reach more people with your marketing budget

1. Develop clear messaging

Too many brands spend too much time talking about themselves. Developing the right messaging cuts through all the advertising noise and positions you.

When you develop the right messaging, you become irresistible to your customers.

Most brands spend a ton of time trying to convince people they’re cool. But the right messaging stems from understanding your customers’ deepest needs, and communicating how you can help them fulfill those needs.

No matter the product — CPG, service, personality, retail store — the key is understanding how you help your customer avoid failure and win the day.

This strategy is one of the reasons The Memoir Agency has such success with our digital campaigns.


2. Create the right assets

Most marketers spend their time trying to be cute and clever. They take stabs in the dark hoping their final video, photo, or written assets will connect with customers. But you don’t have to waste your time and money playing guessing games.

Once you know your customers’ deepest need, you can create content that truly brings them value.

At The Memoir Agency, we help clients create assets, websites, and copy that bring value to customers, and amazing things happen when do what’s next :

3. Put the assets in front of the right people

When you create the right assets and put them in front of the right people, something powerful happens.

The right assets in front of the right people become irresistible and shareable.

Stop overspending on collateral that doesn’t work. Stop overspending by placing collateral in front of the wrong audiences. Instead, create content that adds value to your customers’ lives. Then put that content in front of your exact audience at the right time.

This is how you make your marketing dollars go farther.


4. Keep what works, ditch the rest

Too many brands put all their eggs in one asset. That means the data on how the ad is performing is essentially useless. Once you’ve spent all your content creation budget, you can’t go back and make something that’ll work better.

That’s why it’s so important to deeply understand your customers’ deepest needs before you start making content. This gives us the opportunity to create several pieces of content around variations on a central message.

As that content starts to run on social platforms, you get data back. You can put more budget into the things that are working best… and kill the rest!

Don’t get too attached to any one piece of content. Make several and see what works.

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5. Consolidate

This is one of the things we love doing most for our clients — taking our team of experts, reducing the overhead marketing costs for our clients, and outperforming expectations.

What’s better than saving money and getting stellar results?!

By trusting The Memoir Agency’s expert team of creators and marketers, we’ll take your marketing to the next level and make sure your marketing dollars go farther.

Let’s connect today to get you new customers, generate more sales, and make your life easier!


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