4 keys to creating valuable content

In an ad-saturated age, how do we get our audience to consume our content?

It’s all about VALUE.

When we create value for our audience, we move beyond forcing people to see our ad. Instead, we begin creating content our audience is ready to seek out and share.

So what is “valuable content?”

1. Valuable content answers questions people are asking.

As part of our campaign for the annual IMMERSE performing and interactive arts event, we started asking, “How can we engage an audience year round?”

We didn’t want to get stuck talking about ourselves all the time. We wanted to create something that audiences wanted to see and share.

So, at the beginning of 2018, we started creating “This Week In Art” : a weekly video series that connects people to the most creative and interesting arts and culture events across Central Florida. We also started a weekly podcast called “Artrepreneur” that helps artists make creativity their career.

And for the last two years, the IMMERSE audience has doubled.


2. Valuable content is current.

With IMMERSE, we didn’t want to get stuck re-posting old images all year long. Sure, we have great photo content. But we know that

pretty pictures aren’t enough to keep an audience engaged for the long term.

So we asked, “What information will be most helpful for people today?” That’s where the concept for This Week In Art started.

Every week, we publish content that covers the next 7 days. That means people come back for the next bit of information on the regular.

3. Valuable content is consistent.

Unreliable sources are useless .

We have to be present when people need us most.

So once you find some content that is valuable for your audience, stay on top of it. Publish regularly. Creating content is hard work, for sure! But it’s the foundation of building life-long, meaningful relationships with customers.

4. Valuable content is readily available.

If you’re going to spend time creating content, don’t just publish it on the platforms that are most convenient for you. Valuable content loses its value if people cannot find it.

Publish your content on platforms that people are on.

If you can make your content platform specific, that’s even better. Ask, “who and what is this platform for?” and make content that corresponds correctly. The content you publish on Facebook is different than the content for Instagram which is different than the content for LinkedIn.

So you do the work of going to where your customer is because they’re sure not going to do the work of coming to find you.

And there you have it. Create valuable content that does these 4 things, and you’ll be on your way to making your marketing dollars go farther.

If you want help creating valuable content, that’s what The Memoir Agency are experts at. Hit us up!


Fire your agency if they can't answer these 5 questions